Sunday, December 28, 2008

Uncooked Candy Recipes

Here's Candy Recipes for you,
5 whites of eggs
21/2 tablespoonfuls cream
1 teaspoonful lemon extract
1 teaspoonful rose extract
1 square melted chocolate
1 teaspoonful almond extract
6 tablespoonfuls chopped almonds
1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
1/4 lb. (1 cup) chopped coconut
1/2 teaspoonful orange extract
1 orange, grated rind and strained juice
Sifted confectioners' sugar
Few drops green color
Few drops red color
Few drops orange color

Beat up one white of egg, add the lemon extract, one teaspoonful of the cream, the coconut, and mix with sufficient confectioners' sugar to make stiff enough to knead thoroughly. Then spread evenly in the bottom of a pan lined with waxed paper.

The other four layers are made in the same way, except that the color and flavor of each are different. Thus the second layer is colored with a few drops of red and flavored with rose extract; the third is mixed with vanilla and chocolate; the fourth with green color and almond extract, while the fifth is prepared with orange color, orange extract, and the rind and juice of an orange.

Spread evenly one above the other and let remain in the pan for two days, then turn out on a board sifted with confectioners' sugar, and allow to stand three days before slicing.
Wrap each piece in waxed paper and keep in airtight tins.

8 ozs. (1 cup) confectioners' sugar Flavors
Pinch cream of tartar
Crystallized cherries Cream

Sift the sugar into a basin, add the cream of tartar and enough cream to make a stiff paste; flavor with orange and lemon extracts to taste, and divide into five portions; leave one portion white, and color the remaining portions pink, rose, pale green and brown; roll out each piece to one-eighth of an inch thick, dip a small plain cutter into confectioners' sugar and cut into rounds.
As each one is cut place a cherry in the center; fold up three sides so that the fruit is exposed in the center, but partly covered. Place in little paper cases.

2 ozs. (1/2 cup) stoned dates
2 ozs. (1/2 cup) pine nuts
2 ozs. (1/2 cup) seedless raisins
1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
1 white of egg
1 oz. (1/4 cup) currants
A little melted chocolate
2 tablespoonfuls water
1 ozs. (1/2 cup) chopped candied citron peel
2 ozs. (1/2 cup) chopped candied lemon and orange peel

Confectioners' sugar
Chop all the fruits and nuts very fine, or run them through a food-chopper.
Put the white of egg into a basin, add the water, vanilla, fruits, and enough sifted confectioners' sugar to form a stiff paste.
Let the mixture dry for four hours.
Brush it over with melted chocolate. When dry, turn the sweet over on to waxed paper, and brush over the other side with melted chocolate.
Allow to set, then cut into neat bars with a sharp knife.

Desiccated coconut
1 white of egg
1/4 lb (1 cup) ground almonds
1 teaspoonful almond extract
1/4 lb. (1 cup) sugar

Mix the almonds, sugar, almond extract, and white of egg to a stiff paste.
Leave aside until next day before molding.
Divide and color one half, and make into balls, and roll in desiccated coconut. Press the coconut well in and roll in coconut again.
Leave to dry for a few hours on waxed paper. Put in paper cases.

Liza Othman - Celebrate A Holiday With Candy


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